I have known Craig Sperry for many years, I first met him at a County Recorder training meeting. When Linda Carter, past recorder for Millard County, passed away and I was appointed to take her place. Even after working in the recorders office for 13 years as a chief deputy, there were many things I needed to learn. Craig was there to help. He has always been involved in the different committees in the Recorders Associations from legislative issues to cadastral mapping courses. He is very knowledgeable about the laws and how the office should be run. The recorders office is not an office that can just be stepped into, you need to have the knowledge of property title, cadastral mapping, surveying, new computer software, how to work with state and federal legislators. Craig Sperry can do that, he is a great asset to Juab County. I support and recommend Craig Sperry to continue to be Juab County Recorder.
Connie Hansen
Millard County Recorder
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